Ministry Update: Dr. Andrew Snelling to Return to Australia

by Ken Ham on May 19, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

It was a bittersweet day as, during a recent staff meeting, we honored Dr. Andrew Snelling (director of AiG research and editor of Answers Research Journal) for his many years at AiG.

Dr. Snelling and his wife, Kym, are soon returning to Australia where all of their family members (children, grandchildren, etc.) reside. They believe it is prudent to make this decision now while their health remains good.

It is with mixed emotions that they are returning to Australia, as they will miss being with the AiG staff and families they have come to love so much.

It is with mixed emotions that they are returning to Australia, as they will miss being with the AiG staff and families they have come to love so much.

However, Andrew will still be writing research papers and conducting research for Answers in Genesis. He will also be available for some speaking engagements through AiG–Australia.

I consider Andrew the leading creation geologist in the world. He has been very prolific in publishing geological papers in our Answers Research Journal. He has conducted a phenomenal amount of research on the Grand Canyon; and his latest papers, showing that the folding in the rock layers had to happen while the layers were still soft, can be found in the research journal.

Dr. Georgia Purdom will take over Andrew’s duties at AiG–US.

Our staff enjoyed breakfast pastries and coffee as they lined up to say goodbye to Andrew and Kym.

  • Ken Ham and Andrew Snelling
  • Andrew and Kym Snelling
  • Andrew Snelling in breakroom
  • Andrew Snelling in breakroom
  • Andrew Snelling speaking over allosaurus skull
  • Andrew Snelling climbing rocks
  • Andrew Snelling in Grand Canyon

Please join with us in praying for Dr. Snelling and Kym as they move and begin this new stage of their lives.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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